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The Bangkok Podcast

Jul 27, 2021

On a suggestion from listener Emily, Greg and Ed go back to basics with book and movie recommendations for people new to Thailand and Southeast Asia, or old-timers looking to refresh their knowledge after being disconnected during all this covid hullabaloo. Ed begins with three foundational books: the all-time classic...

Jul 20, 2021

Things are not so great right now, and they’re even more desperate for people who live on the edge, which is why we’re pleased to chat with Friso Poldervaart, Greg Lange, and Kerv Chittaropas about their organization Bangkok Community Help

The three are instrumental in providing the community of over 100,000 with...

Jul 13, 2021

Ed relates his 4-day adventure in the much-reported-on Phuket Sandbox. But spoiler alert: It wasn’t a great trip, mostly due to bad luck: it was gray and rainy almost the entire time, thus denying him quality beach time. Oh well. 

But what was not bad luck was the way that the Thai government has marketed the Sandbox....

Jul 6, 2021

Greg and Ed bare their souls and discuss how living in Thailand has changed them for the better - and for the worse. Greg begins by noting that since being in Thailand he has a much greater appreciation for the life struggles of the average person, in Thailand as well as the rest of the world.  Raised middle class in...